Representing you
As a Trust it is our job to represent our owners and manawhenua ki Motueka on the following Boards and initatives
Resource Advisory Management (Tiakina Taiao Ltd)
Tiakina Taiao is a group of five entities: Te Awhina Marae, Ngati Rarua and Te Atiawa, Ngati Tama, Wakatu Inc and Ngati Rarua Atiawa Iwi Trust. NRAIT’s role is to ensure the interests of manawhenua ki motueka are captured in resource consent applications and discussion. Barney Thomas is our representative supported by his alternate Aneika Young.
Te Uma Urupa
This group is set up to ensure the tikanga and kawa of Te Uma as a burial place is maintained. Barney Thomas and Ropata Taylor are on this board. NRAIT offers free plots and digging to all descendants.
Birdsong Trust
Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust is a partnership between commercial operators, the community and the Department of Conservation to protect and enhance biodiversity and improve the visitor experience in Abel Tasman National Park.
The objectives of the Trust are:
- To preserve native flora and fauna in Abel Tasman National Park.
- To enhance the Park and its environs for recreation and enjoyment by residents and visitors now and in the future.
- To promote the sustainable management of resources in the Park and its environs.
The vision:
Forests and beaches of Abel Tasman are once again filled with the birdsong that awakens and delights visitors.
Kia whakaoho te mauri o te Ata-hapara. Kia rongo, Kia Kite, Ki te reo koro tui o Te Tai tapu.
NRAIT's role as kaitiaki in Motueka supports initiatives such as this. Joy Shorrock represents NRAIT and its owners on this Board.
Kaiteriteri Trust Board
The Kaiteriteri Recreation Reserve Board manages the Reserve’s facilities and its role includes the protection of natural and historic features. The area includes the Kaiteriteri Beach and estuary, former Maori pa and other archaeological sites. NRAIT was invited to provide advice and council to this Board on behalf of tangata whenua. Ropata Taylor and Joy Shorrock represent us on this Board.
Te Awhina Marae
NRAIT has a close affiliation with Te Āwhina Marae. Barney Thomas of NRAIT is on the Board of Trustees. Te Āwhina is community focused, and openly welcomes all people to come and learn, seek shelter, find hospitality, access Hauora services, Kohanga Reo and much more.