Project Ipukarea

We scheduled three workshops to further develop the ideas you have given us from our recent survey regarding our 20 year vision.

It will be an opportunity for you to meet with some of your Board members and workshop these ideas and continue to have input into this process.

Click here to view a video taken at last week's workshop in Motueka.






Tuesday 18 August - 5.30pm

Te Awhina Marae, Pah Street, Motueka



Thursday 10 September - 5.30pm

Miramar Bowling Club, 33A Puriri Street, Miramar



Tuesday 15 September - 5.30pm

Nga Taiatea Wharekura, 134 Rotokauri Road, Baverstock, Hamilton 


Come and join us for a kai followed by the workshop.  We look forward to seeing you.

To register email us at or phone us on 03 548 0770.

NRAIT Board Blog

Posted by Jeremy Banks on 16 December 2013

agm2013 board picture better quality

As you are probably aware one of our large focuses here at NRAIT currently is around communication and how we make sure that our members are aware of what is going on within the organisation.  With this in mind we have decided to get our trustees to provide a brief, informal update following board meetings to keep everyone in the loop.

Ngā mihi o te wā hararei ki a koutou katoa

On Friday the 6th of December we met up for our last hui of the year.  We covered a lot of ground, I'll pick out some of the highlights.

There has been a lot of talk lately about the skills and strengths of our Trustees.  Trustees have been tasked with identifying what they can do to up-skill and ensure that they have an appropriate skill set to perform their duties going forward.  As Trustees we are very aware of the importance of preserving and growing our taonga tuku iho.  In the ever changing environment that we are operating in we need to make sure that our knowledge remains current and relevant.

There has been a lot of work put in lately to create effective Dashboards, both across our financials and also to help us track progress for our Te Whanake initiatives.  These are proving very useful to gain a quick understanding of where things are at.

We have completed our Communications review and a Communications Strategy has been developed.  So now it's time to prioritise the suggestions and put them in to action.  Thank you for all that have been involved and the invaluable feedback you have provided.

Some feedback from this we have received is about improving how we communicate at our AGM.  We are looking at ways of trying to make this event more accessible and relevant for our members and make the information being communicated easier to understand.

We are also looking at ways of increasing uptake for education grants and scholarships and ensuring they are accessible and relevant to our members needs.

We are very excited about the appointment of Hamihi Duncan as Motueka High School's new Māori Head of Department.  Hamihi has a very strong Te Reo and Māori education background and has already expressed a strong interest in local dialect, haka and history, to ensure that his teachings are relevant for our rohe.

And finally it was great to have our hui closed with a karakia by John Katene.

Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa.  Kia pai tō koutou whakata me ō koutou whānau.
