Born To Be A Doctor

Carla Hodgkinson's journey to be a medical professional and NRAIT's proud support for her studies.

Nga mihi kia koe
Ko Piripiri toku maunga
Ko Waitohi toku awa
Ko Waikawa toku marae
Ko Te Atiawa toku iwi
Ko Puketapu toku hapu
Ko Thomas raua ko Rea Riwaka oku tipuna
Ko Nevil raua ko Barbara Hodgkinson oku matua
Ko Jason raua ko James oku tungane
Ko Teresa toku teina
Ko Matthew toku tau
Ko Carla taku ingoa

Carla Hodgkinson’s decision to enter Medicine was easy – she simply decided to follow her instincts and do what she enjoyed!  “I have always had a passion and fascination with how the body works and functions and thus overall health and wellbeing.”  She took Chemistry, Physics, and Biology in Year 13, her interest in all things science sparked by a science teacher at Marlborough Girls’ College.  After a year of Health Science at the University of Otago Carla was accepted to study Medicine, her greatest accomplishment to date.

Carla is currently a 4th year medical student, based in Wellington Hospital.  This year she has been placed with the hospital on a general medicine run, been placed at a GP clinic and at the moment is on a public health run rotation.Carla Hodgkinson

One of Carla’s favourite quotes is “Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly.”  She says, “Everyone in my class would agree with this quote and almost everyone lives by this in terms of study. If you do little bits every day then at the end of the day when it comes to the exam, you will know your stuff.”

Carla’s family believe in the importance of a good education and the increased opportunities that it provides.  Carla has some words of advice for others who may want to embark on a career in medicine. “Work hard every day and never lose focus.  Never give up!!  Be prepared to work hard and always do the best you can possibly do.  Make sure you give it your all, that way you won’t have any regrets. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. For example, with medicine there are other ways you can enter, not just via a health science course.  Make sure this is what you want to do, if it is, go for it.”  She also stresses the importance of a healthy, balanced life – eating healthy, exercise, 8 hours sleep, plenty of downtime and time for family and friends.

Carla was brought up not knowing Te Reo and little about her whakapapa.  She acknowledges the importance of identifying who she is and learning more about her culture and whakapapa.

“I am extremely grateful that I have had financial assistance from NRAIT. I cannot stress more the financial relief they have provided while studying medicine, especially since my course fees are expensive. This money helps to go towards text books and in general food to help me get by and many other costs that come up throughout the year. I hope to one day in the future provide knowledge to other NRAIT members when I am qualified.”

Carla’s main focus is to graduate, then choose her speciality, most likely being a GP.  She then wants to work in the Tasman/Marlborough region, working alongside Maori health clinics to provide free health care to those in need and also running nutrition seminars.

Ka mau te wehi Carla, we look forward to having you back in the rohe.

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