April Tahi Hohaia
Toi te Mana
Toi te whenua
Toi ngaa mahi toi
Toi te tangata
Uplift the prestige
Treasure the land
Esteem the arts
Honour the people
April is studying a Bachelor of Māori Art - Raranga through Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. To study a bachelor’s degree in weaving is enabling April to gain knowledge of the traditions and tikanga handed down by her tūpuna.
She has recognised that she must continue the path her tūpuna once trod and pass on her knowledge of Māori art in its traditional and authentic state and keep the essence that has been handed down alive and well.
April has a long term goal of returning to Te Tau Ihu and being involved in mahi that would help her whānau, and create a better future for the next generation.